Showing all 9 results
Establishment of 100 basins
Client: Project enhancing ability to adapt with desert environment
Address: International projects Building, Matrouh
Tel: 0020464931083
Fax: 0020464 931082
Tender Summary: General international tender No.-0005/W/ICB(7) for the establishment of 100 basins capacity of 120M3.
Tender Docs: $ 34
Bid Bond: EURO 12.000
Tender Deadline: 7-4-2024.
Establishment of 40 tanks capacity
Client: Project enhanced Agrability With to adapt desert environment
Address: (PRIDE) “International projects building. Matrouh. eg-
http’s // Junited- nations-development-busines
Tel: 0020464931083
Fax: 0020464931082
Tender Summary: General international 50.0005/W/ICB (6) tender No. 000 for the establishment of 40 tanks capacity of 300 M3.
Tender Docs: $ 34
Bid Bond: Euro 9.500
Tender Deadline: 7-4-2024.
for Rehabilitation and renovation of (5) Water pumps
Client: Company of Water for Great Cairo.
Address: 42, Ramses st., Cairo–
Hot line 125.Tender Summary: General tender for Rehabilitation and renovation of (5) groups of Water
pumps with engines, valves, electricity boards and civil works.
Tender Documents: LE8.000
Bid Bond : LE600.000
Tender Deadline: 11-3-2024 -
Rehabilitation and renovation of covered drainage network
Client: Egyptian General Authority for Drainage Projects.
General Admin for Delta Drainage projectsAddress: Damanhour
Tender Summary: General tender for Rehabilitation and renovation of covered drainage
network for alhesa area.
Tender Documents: LE599
Bid Bond : LE305.000
Tender Deadline: 13-3-2024 -
Supply and erction of an integrated hydraulic system for pumping substation
Client: Mechanical & Electrical Department.
Address: New Administratire Capital.
Tender Summary: General tender for Supply and erction of an integrated hydraulic system
for pumping substation of kar Al-Deeb.
Tender Documents: LE399
Bid Bond : LE165.000
Tender Deadline: 25-3-2024